Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Forbidden Kingdom

Well, we actually did go see Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and I have a first draft of that review, but I also went to see The Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan and Jet Li (and Shia LeBoeuf). A kid from the city is transported to ancient China, on a quest to return a Magical Staff (which isn’t that magical in his hands, but he didn't really try to do anything spiffy with it) to its rightful owner. I really enjoyed this. Entertainment Weekly gave it a D, but they don’t like Captain Jack Sparrow and they did like Superbad (note the name, and the Truthful Advertising therein). What do they know? I mean, they even said Delta Farce sucked!

Ahem. Anyway, they’re idiots. This movie is beautifully done. Jackie Chan is absolutely marvelous as the Standard Drunken Taoist Immortal. If someone ever does Bridge of Birds (oh Ang Lee, where are you?) properly, Chan would make a glorious Master ‘a slight flaw in my character’ Li. But he’s not alone. Jet Li doubles as the Silent Monk and the Monkey King, and is brilliant at both. The chopsockey is very well choreographed, there are two wonderful women doing serious martial arts and not what Joe Bob Briggs characterizes as “Bimbo Fu”, and I would kill for some of those costumes. The script (yes! There is one!) explains things, keeps the plot moving, and doesn’t totally suck. Best line: “My turn!” from the Monkey King. Anyway, I really enjoyed this movie. While stocking up at the refreshment stand, be aware that there are no slow spots suitable for dashing to the restroom. This movie was more Westernized in plot structure and understandable than Kung Fu Hustle, but just as fast moving. I strongly recommend at half price/matinee, and you won’t feel ripped off if you happen to end up paying full.

Go see this on the big screen, unless you have a truly awesome rig at home.

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